
Tag: Michelle Douglas

Father, dear Father

THERE’S NOTHING QUITE like being holed in an uncomfortable situation, for an indefinite period, with a colleague you barely know for an ice-breaker to manifest. This is what happens when Maureen from HR (Caroline Midgley) comes to deliver a message to her IT colleague, Barry (Gavin Werner) in […]

It is never only lipstick

THE WELSH VILLAGE of Aberfan in October of 1966 weathered a catastrophe worse than anyone could have imagined. At 09:15 in the morning of an otherwise ordinary but wet day, a colliery spoil tip slid down the mountain and drowned a primary school in a 12m-deep avalanche of […]

Hobson’s choice; moral compromise

“HAVE YOU SEEN Green Man Flashing?” was a statement uttered with urgency everywhere you went in 2004/5. It was a play that rocked South African society’s equilibrium when it first saw light of day. One of the first works from the pen of Mike van Graan, it fitted the […]