
Category: Ceramics

Untold strengths of the demure ballpoint pen

AS YOU WALK into the space of ceramicist Eugene Hön’s solo exhibition at FADA gallery, there’s an element of the sacred that enfolds you. And it isn’t about being there alone in a mask, honouring coronavirus protocol. It’s about objects created with a robust mix of skilled preciousness […]

What history has dished up for me

ART REVIEW: LOVE IS A DANGEROUS DRUG HOW DO YOU tell the story of a complicated life in a way that visitors to an exhibition can access, empathise with and take something away from, without detracting from your story? You have their attention for a fleeting 30 minutes, […]

Holy tales in clay that give life

SACREDNESS IN AN object comes in many iterations, many of which can be completely unexpected. When you visit Charmaine Haines’s exhibition at the Kim Sacks Gallery, you will be accosted with a sense of the sacred that is joyful and full of levity, bold and clear, but unequivocally […]